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Our membership drive is underway!  You can join anytime throughout the year but the membership drive ends soon.  Join today!!! 

Answers to frequently asked questions

How do I join the PTO?  Many of you took advantage of our Open House membership special.   If you were not able to join at that time, you still have an opportunity.  A PTO packet will be coming home with your child very soon and you will find membership information included.  You can also join while attending a PTO meeting any time during the year.

Why should I join the PTO?   Our PTO's mission is to promote communication and understanding between parents and staff at ERES.  It is our belief that the team effort of a parent teacher organization offers the best possible learning environment for our children.

How does the PTO benefit our school?  In years past, the PTO has been able to provide seating  in the Little Theater, along with microphones and speakers.  We have provided security cameras to the school and each classroom at ERES has been supplied with individual classroom emergency kits.  Your PTO has bought and installed playground equipment. The classroom with the highest percentage of memberships, will enjoy a pizza party.

Room Rep

At the beginning of each school year, teachers are given paperwork concerning room representation. 

PTO Facebook Page