Nurse's Office

Jenny Jo Pearson
Student Health
Supporting every student’s health helps them succeed in school! School nurses are here to assist, and we appreciate your partnership in supporting all students.
School nursing is a specialized practice of public health nursing that promotes and protects individual student health, facilitates development, and advances academic success.
RCS employs registered nurses to serve as school nurses and substitute school nurses in the clinic. School nurses work with students and their families, school personnel, and health care providers to advocate for student health and a healthy school environment.
Nurses monitor student records for required immunizations, perform mandated health screenings, track communicable diseases, plan for health related emergencies, and deliver direct care for students.
How We Can Help:
- Provide a dedicated space in the clinic for students to manage personal health needs, such as diabetes care, asthma care, wound care, and medication administration.
- Assess whether a child is well enough to attend school or recommend further evaluation, including excusing students with communicable symptoms.
- Train both teachers and students on managing health conditions.
- Issue passes for students with diagnosed health conditions.
- Offer information on community health resources.
- Available to assist with any medical, hygiene, or disability-related concerns for your child or student.
Service Limitations:
- Diagnosis: Only a Doctor, Nurse Practitioner, or Physician's Assistant is qualified to make a medical diagnosis.
- Treatment Plan: While we can assist with self-care, we cannot prescribe or recommend specific treatments for any condition.
- Over-the-Counter Medication: Only medications supplied by parents, along with the necessary permission forms, will be given to students.
- Athletic Care: Taping or icing athletes should only be done by certified athletic trainers to ensure proper care and safety.